Aim Search

Aim Search
Saxon House
27 Duke Street
United Kingdom
Phone number:
0333 242 3989

Why register with Aim Search?

Aim Search want to help your next career move be the right one for you, we understand that balancing your current role and searching for a new one can be time consuming and stressful, our aim is to make the whole process as simple and straight forward as possible for you. Whilst you're working hard in the job you're currently in, but not entirely happy with, we will work hard finding you a new one that will help put a smile back on your face.

We don’t only take an interest in you when you're actively looking for a new role, we try to ensure our relationship is continuous and that we take an interest in you. We'll offer you career advice, help you develop your interview technique and once you’re in the right role, if you need us to, help you to recruit a winning team.

Register with us and see the difference working with the right recruitment people can make.

Aim Search
Saxon House
27 Duke Street
United Kingdom

7 jobs posted by Aim Search